If you haven’t read the original story about how Mothers’ Day (note the apostrophe) came about, you owe it to yourself to do so. I agree that women should take over politics to prevent bloodshed and war. (I am not 100% certain we would be able to do that, but we should at least have a chance.)

I hope everyone had a lovely day despite our present circumstances. Here are some pictures from Mother’s Day, Ann Arbor style! (As always, thanks to my Old News friends at the AADL!)

Mothers Day Parade On Jones Drive, May 1954 image

Old timey Ann Arbor’s parade game was on point. Here is a Mother’s Day parade on Jones Drive in 1954.

Mothers Day Tea At Carpenter School, May 1956 image

Carpenter School had a tea for moms in 1956. I remember making an invitation for my mom when I was in the first grade (not at Carpenter School). We had a luncheon and I remember my teacher had to spell the word “luncheon” for us.

Central School Mothers Day Party, May 1954 image

I’m 100% in love with these two moms. The looks on their faces just tickle me. If they were my mom, they’d be thinking, “18 hours of labor and I get a f***** cupcake? Really?” But they are not so I’m not sure what is going through their minds; they look like fun moms either way!

Mothers and Activists Publish Anti-War Ad, May 1970 image

Activist Moms from 1970! Go, women!!!

Classified_ad image

From 1897. I can’t even imagine what this might have been! Actually, I can–probably some sort of morphine or heroin. Oy.

Where Every Day Is Mother's Day image

From 1943.

And I will end with the thing we should never, ever forgot. It was written by a man and not an acutal mother but I still think the words are important. Reprinted by our friends at the Signal of Liberty in 1843.

Poetry: The Farewell Of A Virginia Slave Mother To Her Daug... image






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